A Sense of Place
Watch this mapped excerpt of the Maurice Hornocker interview, where he describes a four day search with fellow researcher Wilbur Wiles, looking for his favorite dog Little Red in cougar country throughout the Taylor Wilderness area.Description
This collection consists of 11 hour-long video interviews with the following people: Ed Krumpe, Gary Koehler, Teresa Cohn, Jennifer Ladino, Lauren Fins (in Moscow , Idaho), Andrew Armstrong, Colden Baxter, Janet Devlieg, Grace Peven (at the TWRC), Jim and Holly Akenson (Enterprise, Oregon) and Maurice Hornocker (Belleview, Idaho) conducted between summer of 2022 and spring of 2023. The collection highlights particular elements of the oral histories to give readers a sense of the space in the Geographies section and visualizes the scholarly output of the institution in the Bibliometrics section.
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