A Comprehensive Timeline of Idaho History
14,000-11,000 years ago:
- Clovis culture and Paleo-Indian big game hunters inhabited the region.
11,000-10,600 years ago:
- Folsom culture thrived.
10,600-7,800 years ago:
- Plano culture inhabited the area.
7,800-1,300 years ago:
- Archaic culture emerged with subterranean dwellings and increased plant processing.
1,300-260 years ago:
- Native American cultures flourish with the introduction of horses, pottery, and bows and arrows.
- The Louisiana Purchase brought the future state of Idaho under U.S. control.
- Lewis and Clark Expedition explored Idaho at Lemhi Pass.
- Kullyspell House fur trading post built by Canadian fur traders near Lake Pend Oreille.
- Fort Henry, the first American-owned fur post west of the Rocky Mountains, established near St. Anthony, Idaho.
- Overland Astorians explored future Oregon Trail routes through Idaho.
- War of 1812
- Adams-Onis Treaty established Idaho's southern border on the 42nd Parallel.
- Captain B.L.E. Bonneville explored the Snake River and Salmon River regions.
- Fort Boise and Fort Hall established.
- Henry H. Spalding established a mission and school near Lapwai.
- First Oregon Trail wagons cross Idaho.
- Oregon Treaty established the U.S. border with Canada, including Idaho.
- Mexican American War
- Over 20,000 gold rush emigrants passed through southeastern Idaho on the California Trail. Cantonment Loring, a U.S. Military post, established near Fort Hall.
- Chinese migrants began coming en masse to California.
- Idaho becomes part of the Washington Territory.
- Possible presence of Chinese miners in Idaho.
- Franklin, the first town in Idaho, is established.
- Gold discovered in Idaho, sparking a gold rush.
- First Chinese immigrants arrived in Idaho.
- American Civil War
- Idaho Territory is formed; Lewiston designated as the capital.
- Chin Law Guan, the god statue in the Boise temple is first brought to Idaho.
- A meeting of Euromerican miners in the Boise Basin voted to ban all Chinese and African Americans from mining in the area.
- Boise City is incorporated and becomes the capital of Idaho Territory.
- The Idaho Territorial Legislature passed a law prohibiting Chinese people from voting or holding office.
- The Idaho World newspaper is first published in Idaho City.
- The Taiping Rebellion is quelled prompting further Chinese migration to Idaho to escape famine and poverty.
- Silver City, Idaho was founded soon prompting many Chinese miners to come to the area.
- Doc Lee arrived in the Boise Basin.
- First record of a Chinese laundry in Idaho from the newspaper, Idaho World.
- Dr. C.K. Ah Fong, the first Chinese doctor in Idaho, arrived in Boise.
- Telegraph service reached Idaho.
- Idaho Supreme Court admitted first 29 attorneys to practice law in all Idaho courts.
- Idaho's first public library, a territorial law library, established at Boise.
- Louie Ah Su arrives in Idaho and began mining. His son Louie Do Gee would later found the Louie Gee gardens in the Boise Valley.
- 49 Chinese miners are killed by natives near the Owyhee river.
- Chinese in Pierce City reached their peak population at 800 people.
- Gold mining began in Salmon and Leesburg, Idaho.
- Snake Indian War.
- Owyhee Miners' League established as Idaho’s first labor union.
- The Burlingame treaty is signed allowing for Chinese migration to the United States but prohibiting migrants from obtaining citizenship.
- Chinese gardens are mentioned for the first time in Idaho from the Idaho World newspaper.
- Idaho Territory population: 14,999 (includes 4,274 Chinese residents – nearly 30% of the population).
- Old Idaho Penitentiary is built.
- First recorded mention of Chinese cooks in Idaho, recorded in the 1870 census.
- Chinese gardeners began farming near Reynolds Idaho and selling their produce to miners in Silver City.
- First recorded mention of Chinese gardens in Boise in the Idaho Tri-weekly Statesmen newspaper.
- Polly Bemis arrives in Warren.
- Reverend George Kum Lum, a recent Chinese migrant to Boise became a christian missionary and began preaching in the city.
- There are 1200 Chinese miners recorded in the Florence mining district.
- The Page Act is passed, prohibiting the immigration of Chinese women to the United States.
- The Beuck Aie Temple in Lewiston is created.
- The Hip Sing Tong is founded.
- The Hop Sing Tong is founded.
- Invention of the telephone.
- Anti-Chinese riots erupted in Idaho towns.
- First Chinese New Year celebration recorded in Boise.
- Nez Perce and Bannock Indian Wars.
- Pie Biter, a nickname given to a Chinese migrant known for enjoying pies, began freighting goods to mining camps in Idaho county.
- Chinese miners are attacked by natives in the winter.
- Idaho population: 32,610.
- Chinese population in Lewiston reached its peak at 1500.
- Historical Society of Idaho Pioneers formed to collect and preserve Idaho history.
- Chinese Exclusion Act passed, severely restricting Chinese immigration.
- Construction of the Sandpoint Long Bridge completed with over 2,000 Chinese laborers.
- Idaho's first electric light at Philadelphia Smelter is established near Ketchum.
- The Six Companies Organization is formally established, providing support and legal services to Chinese migrants in Idaho and elsewhere.
- The Lewiston Chinatown burns down and is later rebuilt.
- Ah Choy began freighting goods to mining camps outside of Lewiston.
- 600 Chinese laborers are recorded as working for the Oregon Short Line Rail in Shoshone, ID grading the pathway for the rail.
- Ah Yeen is listed as being a blacksmith in Salmon.
- A Chinese Masonic Lodge is constructed in Hailey.
- Commercial telephone service in Idaho begans at Hailey.
- The Chinese Benevolent Association is founded.
- The city of Hailey suffered a massive fire and is later rebuilt.
- An avalanche in Rocky Bar crushed a Chinese occupied home, killing one and injuring another.
- George Morey moves to Lewiston as a cook and began selling ingredients to local Chinese restaurants, soon becoming well respected in the Lewiston Chinese community.
- Chinese migrant Ah Soon had an arrest warrant for drawing a gun on another Chinese man over a gambling debt in Hailey. He was captured and exiled to the town of Bellevue, no longer being allowed to live in Hailey.
- Railroad construction using Chinese labor takes place in northern Idaho near Sandpoint.
- Silver discovered in Coeur d'Alene Mining District. Idaho’s first Attorney General, D.P.B. Pride, appointed by legislature.
- The City of Hailey built its first running water system and a Chinese laundromat is one of its first recipients.
- In Hailey, the entire Chinatown erupted into a snowball fight.
- The cook Ah Wing committed suicide in Hailey, and during his funeral over 100lbs of meat and other delicacies were presented as offerings.
- Five miners were caught running into the mountains outside of Hailey trying to avoid the $5 head tax on all Chinese miners.
- Hells Canyon Massacre: 34 Chinese miners murdered.
- Five Chinese miners are lynched in Pierce, Idaho.
- A white merchant in Pierce City was brutally murdered by Chinese robbers. In response a racist mob murdered and tortured two innocent Chinese men. When the suspects were captured and on their way to trial, their police escort was held at gunpoint by a mob, and the Chinese were lynched without trial.
- Anti-Chinese convention held in Boise; violence against Chinese residents escalates.
- The Boise City Council declares that all Chinese laundry buildings must be constructed out of brick or stone to reduce fires.
- A Chinese laundry in Broadford is blown up with dynamite.
- First publicly available compilation of Idaho laws, the Revised Statutes, published.
- The State Medical Society of Idaho is formed.
- The Idaho Recorder newspaper documented 150 Chinese miners in Leesburg and a merchant shop with over $6000 of goods stockpiled.
- Ah Choy returned to China.
- Constitutional Convention convened. Constitution ratified by voters. Idaho becomes the 43rd state.
- Dr. Ah Fong moved to Boise.
- Two Chinese men are robbed at gunpoint by cowboys in Boise. They were each robbed of $6.
- Pie Biter, a nickname for a Chinese migrant that enjoyed pies, returns to China.
- Idaho population: 88,548.
- Labor-related violence in Coeur d'Alene Mining District.
- The first recorded mention of a Chinese restaurant in Boise, was found in the Statesmen newspaper.
- The first portion of the Boise sewer system is completed.
- A Chinese miner shot dead a bandit in Leesburg and is cleared of all charges.
- Ah Boo, Chinese merchant from Salmon, ID was arrested for selling alcohol to indian reservations. He was fined $100 and jailed for six days.
- Economic depression.
- The Bon Ton Chop House opened in Boise, serving Euromerican meals.
- Ah Lem is refused a residence certificate and is found in violation of the Geary Act. He claimed he was unable to register due to his remote residence and challenged the court. He won and was given a residence certificate.
- Polly Bemis married Charlie Bemis.
- Boise police raid opium dens throughout the city.
- Idaho granted women the right to vote.
- Li Hung Chang, the Chinese ambassador, visited the United States with his personal chef and popularized chop suey in America.
- Advertisements in the Lewiston Tribune called for locals to come and take their clothes to the Chinese laundries.
- The bodies of five Chinese miners are discovered in an abandoned mining camp near Pierce City; it was later found they had been ambushed and murdered.
- Charlie Sing and Ah Kim, managers of the Fong Kee store in Salmon, Idaho returned to China.
- Spanish-American War.
- Mineworker unrest in northern Idaho.
- Louie Kim opened the successful Portland Cafe in Lewiston.
- Dr. Ah Fong won a court case that grants him a medical license.
- Idaho population: 163,000.
- An Irish band is hired to play for a Chinese funeral in Silver City. As the band only rehearsed for two songs, “There will be a hot time in Old Town Tonight” and “Down went McGinty” were played.
- Idaho Falls became a city and built an electric power plant.
- The Chinese Freemason Lodge built a three-story building in Boise.
- Chinese are evicted from Idaho street and forced to locate elsewhere.
- The Boxer rebellion began in China, which further destabilizes the nation.
- The Chinese exclusion act is renewed. Deportations of Chinese in Idaho increase.
- Hong Kee opened a three story hotel and restaurant in Pocatello Idaho.
- First powered and sustained heavier-than-air flight by the Wright brothers.
- Charlie Tong, a restaurant owner in Emmett Idaho is driven out of town by a mob.
- Liang Chichao vice president of the Chinese Empire reform association visited Boise to draw support for imperial reform in China.
- An African American man is nearly lynched by a mob near Boise.
- Pon Yam returned to China.
- A mob chased out a Chinese chef out of town in Twin Falls.
- Fong Wee opened a medical practice in Boise, Idaho.
- Former Governor Frank Steunenberg assassinated.
- Largest sawmill in the U.S. opened at Potlatch. Wright brothers first successful powered flight.
- Half of Boises' laundries were run by Chinese owners.
- William E. Borah elected to the U.S. Senate.
- The Idaho State Historical Society became a state agency.
- The Idaho Statesmen began offering prizes for the best tasting Chinese dish in Boise.
- Dr. Ah Fong had a New Year dinner and invited his entire neighborhood to join him.
- Idaho's first College of Law established.
- The Boise Masonic Order and the Gung Yen Tong went to court to seek damages for libel and slander.
- Federal law banned the importation of opium for recreation.
- A marriage between a Chinese man and woman occured in Boise to much fanfare.
- Seven Chinese students were recorded as attending Lincoln grade school in Boise.
- Idaho population: 325,594. Forest fires burn large swaths of northern Idaho.
- A Chinese merchant in Boise is hacked to death by a rival family.
- The Chinese temple in Centerville is demolished.
- The Chinese community in Boise raised $500 for helping the Idaho State Fair became more established.
- The Chinese community of Boise raised $4000 for the fourth of july parade, with over $700 going to costumes.
- Li Ching and Ah Onn were cooks in Boise restaurants and were deported for failure to obtain residence certificates.
- Dr. Yee Wee was recorded as using his position as a government interpreter and doctor to find illegal Chinese migrants and report them to the state for an undisclosed amount. Dr. Yee Wee was recorded as being a census taker but due to undisclosed issues had to be replaced by Fong Yu.
- The Xinhai Revolution began overthrowing the Qing and declaring China to be a republic.
- State Board of Education established.
- World War I
- Chin Man Sui a Chinese physician in Boise is killed in Whitebird, Idaho.
- Idaho Power is formed.
- U.S. enters World War I.
- The Hip Sing Tong in Boise hosted a national convention.
- Idaho population: 431,866.
- 19th Amendment is passed giving women the right to vote.
- The last Chinese woman in Salmon named Dye Kee, died in her cabin.
- Rise of radio broadcasting.
- Charlie Bemis died.
- Takao Ozawa, a Japanese migrant, sued for the right to become a U.S citizen and his case goes to the Supreme Court. The Court ruled against him.
- The Lew family purchased Moscow Cafe in Moscow, ID.
- Fong Lou opens the Hong Kong Cafe in Boise.
- The Hip Sing Tong in Boise hosted a national convention.
- Forest Rangers near the Moose Creek diggings found an etched tree with Chinese characters on it. It was later learned this tree was a warning about issues in Pierce County for Chinese miners.
- Great Depression.
- Idaho population: 445,032.
- Chinese herbalist Wing Lee died in a planecrash.
- Captain Fong Jim Yick from Boise received his pilots license.
- Polly Bemis died.
- Yick Yee opened the Goon Hoy Chinese Herb Company in Boise.
- Kwong Sing, a Chinese merchant in Lewiston subsidized and funded the local baseball team.
- Idaho repealed statewide Prohibition.
- Kim Tang is the last Chinese miner in Silver City to die.
- Sun Valley resort established.
- Two Chinese miners are left in Golden Idaho, Lee Mann and Charlie Wong Gee.
- Hong Ark closed his garden in Hailey, closing the last Chinese garden in the area.
- The Hip Sing Tong in Boise hosted a national convention.
- Joe Albertson opened his first supermarket in Boise.
- World War II
- Boise has four extant Chinese restaurants.
- Idaho population: 524,873.
- U.S. enters World War II.
- Chinese Exclusion Act repealed.
- World War II ends.
- Len Wah, a Chinese miner in Lewiston was recorded to have been living in the city for sixty-five years.
- National Reactor Testing Station (NRTS) established.
- Idaho population: 588,637.
- Boise has three extant Chinese restaurants.
- Idaho National Laboratory founded.
- Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision.
- Jackie Lee sued for the right to become a U.S citizen and recieved help from Idaho representative Gracie Pfost.
- Idaho population: 667,191.
- Segregation of African American families in Boise due to discrimination and redlining.
- Civil Rights Movement in the United States
- Immigration and Nationality Act abolished the national origins quota system.
- Idaho population: 713,008.
- The Hip Sing Association building is demolished in Boise.
- Yick Yee dies at the age of 79.
- Teton Dam collapses.
- Boise Chinatown demolished.
- Idaho population: 943,038. Eruption of Mt. St. Helens.
- Asian American Comparative Collection is founded.
- Idaho population: 1,006,749.
- The Occupational License Bureau of Idaho began licensing acupuncturists.
- Idaho population: 1,293,953.
- Boise has 18 Chinese restaurants.
- Idaho hosted the Special Olympics World Winter Games
- Rep. Sue Chew served in the Idaho Legislature.
- Chinese American communities in Idaho continue to thrive.
- Covid19 Pandemic
- Stop Asian Hate (AAPI) organization is founded to counter misinformation and discrimination due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Chinese Community of Idaho Falls donated $3000 and 1200 pieces of PPE to the city to combat Covid-19