Diablo Mountain Lookout

Pannellum 2.5.6

Built: 1926
Status: Staffed
Cabin: R-6

Other Resources:
National Lookout Historic Register
Rex's Fire Tower Page

Diablo Mountain Lookout is located in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness and is staffed by lookouts during peak fire season. This tower is populated by an interview with Bill Moore who has staffed lookouts for most of his life and now runs the volunteer fire lookout program at Diablo Mountain. Watch clips and his full interview for descriptions of his late father, Bud Moore’s, tenure with the Forest Service, a demonstration on how to use the Osborne Fire Finder, a detailed panoramic explanation of Diablo Mountain’s surrounding landscape, and why he has dedicated himself to preserving the tradition of lookouts, both structure and human.

The Diablo Mountain Scene...
Bill Moore provides a detailed panoramic description of the Diablo Mountain view shed
Bill Moore Demonstrates the...
Bill Moore gives the Keeping Watch team a demo on the Osborne Fire Finder while locked in by smoke from the 2021 Lolo Complex Fires.
The Influence that Bud...
Bill Moore discusses the influence his father, Bud Moore, has had on Forest Service policy.
What is Lost in...
Bill Moore discusses what is lost as the Forest Service and other agencies move away from lookout use.
Michael Talks to Bill...
Michael Decker and Bill Moore on Diablo Peak<br>Photo by Chris Lamb
Bill Moore - Full...
Full interview of Bill Moore
Diablo Lookout 360 Degree...
Panoramic image of the interior of Diablo Mountain lookout
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