Argonaut Metadata Workflow

Each contributor will be given a Google drive folder to work in. Inside the folder will be a Google Sheet with the metadata describing the set of Argonaut issues you will be working on. The sheet will be named “arg_” + the year(s) it contains.

Metadata Template

Your metadata spreadsheets will look like:

objectid title date headlines subject cdm_pdf_link
arg-1993-01-26 January 26th, 1993 1993-01-26

Plus a lot more rows! Each row of the spreadsheet is a “record” describing one issue of the Argonaut. Each column is a metadata “field” representing specific aspects of each issue.

Four columns will be already filled in for you:

Two columns will be blank. We will be creating new metadata to fill them!

The content of these two fields will help people find relevant articles and interesting stories inside the collection. Your work will become part of the digital collection website and will be used by thousands of people around the world. It will also become part of our digital archive–data ready for researchers in the distant future