What's in a name?

Often, the first thing people learn about us is our name and those names can have an impact; they are a part of how the world sees us and sometimes even how we see ourselves… but how important are they really?

People often make associations with first names- other people they’ve known with that name, or just the images and sensations that particular name conjures for them. It’s crazy, that before someone really gets to know you, they may have made judgements just based on a single word! And one you didn’t even choose for yourself! We often do exactly the same thing with ourselves- how do you feel about your first name? Has it ever impacted the way you see yourself?

Our family name (surname/last name) carries with it part of our history- where we’ve come from both in the world, but also genetically. This can mean a lot to some people and is a big part of who they are.

However, is that what Juliet is really talking about here? The major factor keeping Romeo and Juliet apart is their families’ fued. If Romeo where from any other family they could be together. So by casting off his name, he would essentially be leaving his family so he could be with her.

But, let’s not forget the context of the time this was written: Names can create a human being into a social being or they can deprive them of social existence. In addition to this we have Capulet’s power over Juliet which entails the problem of patria potestas (essentially his ownership of her): in his wish to deprive Juliet of the family name he de-creates her as a social being but also prevents her from becoming an independent adult. When the Friar admonishes Romeo: “Art thou a man?” (Friar, 3.3) that expands the meaning of man from legal to illegal entity; or also, and foremost, when Capulet threatens Juliet “I’ll ne’er acknowledge thee” (3.5), thus depriving her of legal personhood.

How important is your name to you? How important is your family to you? Could you leave your family behind, in order to be with someone you love?